Based on the fact that it snowed here all weekend, there was really only one place we could be on Saturday afternoon - snowboarding of course! We went up to Snoqualmie with Rob & Cindi and it was great snow! They got about a foot of snow the night before and it was still coming down when we were there. We ran into Tony, Rob, and Curtis there. Rob is moving to Utah on Wednesday - who knew? You should also ask him about his coat that he lost the weekend of our wedding. He told us the story twice on the mountain and then when I asked him about it the third time answered all the quesitons again with no inkling that I was teasing him even though everyone else was laughing out loud. Man, I am going to miss that kid. On our way home we stopped for some delicious pizza in North Bend. On the drive back, we just kept waiting for the snow to change to rain as it always does, but it never happened. By the time we got back to Bellevue, the Temple parking lot (where we had left our cars) had about 3 inches of snow on it! Thank you global warming, la nina, or whatever!
That coat is becoming legendary. Good luck to Rob in Utah and take a ski day for me would ya?
Don't worry, you can still get some nasty slush skiing in at Alpental on the weekends until May 5.
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