Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Zoomin Granny

Recently I was taking the campus shuttle at Microsoft. The way it works is you call for a shuttle to another building and they pick you up. The "shuttle" is just someone driving a Prius. My shuttle driver on this particular trip was at least 75 years old and a huge leadfoot. As soon as I closed the door she floored it and took the curve in the roundabout in front of my building at 40 mph. She was listening to Christian rock on the radio and was apparently inspired by it because we got to the other building in like 4 minutes. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to go freeway speeds on campus but who I am to complain? I was in a hurry. I guess she lives by the rule of driving your age. Also, she had some pretty bad burping problems and burped at least 5 times during the ride. In her defense, she tried to suppress them, but was largely unsuccessful in that attempt.

1 comment:

kelsey said...

Maybe next time you should just use your scooter. But then you should also watch out for the zoomin granny, because she could run you down.