Thursday, September 25, 2008

She got the way to move me, Cherry

Last night Paul and I went with some friends to see Neil Diamond in concert. (You should be jealous right now, he is an icon.) It was just as it should have been - cheesy and wonderful. At one point the lights came up to reveal him sitting at a small cafe table with a single rose and a glass of wine as he launched into "You Don't Bring Me Flowers." This is the type of stuff I am talking about. It hurts so good - only Neil Diamond can pull it off. And he doesn't just pull it off, he makes it look good! He sounded and looked surprisingly good for 67 years old. There were a lot of cougars there and I don't think there was a free babysitter in the entire metropolitan area that night. Most of his fans have limited rhythmn but they did not let this stop them from gettin their groove on. My favorite song from the evening was "Love on the Rocks." "Sweet Caroline" was so successful the first time he sang it that he sang it again - not kidding. You can see a clip of this performance below. All in all, I feel like I have acheived a significant milestone as a human being having been to a Neil Diamond concert. Thank you Neil!!!


Who We Are... said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Neil Diamond is on my list of want to go sees...smiles.

Margaret said...

Who's Neil Diamond? I had to google him when I heard that you were going to his concert. Icon...really?!

Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

I am SO jealous. I love Neil!

Unknown said...

I am so jealous! I love Neil D. Glad to hear their are other fans besides people our parents age.

Anonymous said...

Barry Manilow's arch nemesis. Neil may be able to deliver a good song, but Barry IS music and he WRITES the songs. FYI.