Sunday, December 26, 2010

One Toddler Mind, Blown

Paul is a good sport. We both are, but especially Paul. Anyone who has spent more than 30 seconds with Leah knows she LOVES Yo Gabba Gabba (see Halloween post). So when we heard the characters were coming to the Nordstrom across the street, we had to go!

Side note: Paul did not understand why I got Leah "dressed up" (i.e. dress, tights, etc...). We are working on the little-girls-wear-dresses-for-all-special-occassions-not-just-church concept.

Regardless, we wait in the line and get to the front. Leah is giddy with anticipation. She walks right up to the them and then beelines for the exit. She is NOT having it. To make sure we don't miss this opportunity, Paul steps in and gets in the picture with Leah.

I'm sure this would have been the highlight of his day except that afternoon he took Leah to the Yo Gabba Gabba Live! concert at the Tacoma dome with thousands of other toddlers, and worse, their parents. Of course, Leah was beside herself at the show seeing all her favorite peeps, singing her favorite songs, and making quick work of all the dances they did. It was her own personal heaven and my own personal the-opposite which is why Paul took her and let me stay home. What a great daddy!


Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

Is it sad to say that I enjoy watching Yo Gabba gabba? I got in an argument with my sis-in-law about YGG and it REALLY bothered me that she hated the show. She kept saying to my nephew...this show is weird. And then HE would say, Mom this show is weird. ANY excuse to turn it off!!! WHATEVS!! Brinley loves to dance to it so that makes me happy!

Demmy@Dliche said...

Great dad! looks so sweet <3