Saturday, January 1, 2011


A couple of days before Thanksgiving, Paul and I and the kids met up with some of his family at the Great Wolf Lodge. GWL is an indoor water park about an hour and a half south of us.

Just to back up a little, Paul and I both like to travel and are fairly adventurous. So when people propose ideas to us like trips and camping we can usually be talked into it. In our minds, we have two mild children who sleep easily, obey us, and require very little. In reality, 100% of the time we are driving home from these debacles and we look at each other and say, "We are NEVER leaving the house again!!!"

As usual, when Great Wolf Lodge was suggested, we imagined it to be a kid-friendly vacation and relatively manageable. Guess what? It was!! We actually had a pretty good time! Leah wanted to move in at the water park. They had a whole area for toddlers and she was loving it. It did a lot for her tolerance for water in the face too. We are definitely planning to make it a regular family trip.

One awesome thing that happened was when we got back to our room to settle in for the night. Of course, we were all sharing one room so when we put Leah in her bed it was hard for her to go to sleep with us around. So Paul sang her current favorite song, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." She laid quietly while he sang and then when he was done she would scream, "MO TWINKDA!!" (translation: "More Twinkle!") Paul ended up singing it at least 40 times and by the end it was completely monotone and he was half asleep. It worked though and eventually she went to sleep and slept soundly until the next day. Mo Twinkda people.

1 comment:

DLiche said...

I like your website very use-full thumbs up for you...