Sunday, January 16, 2011


I think my last post was the blogging equivalent of talking about a no-hitter while it's happening. I jinx'd it. Lately Andrew has been a night-partier. One night he woke up four times. Another night he was awake from 1:40 - 4:00 am. To be fair, he's getting all kinds of teeth right now. There's two on the bottom already broken through and I'm pretty sure there are a couple more coming in. We had a little sleeping blip with Leah at about the same age so all of that combined means we shouldn't be too surprised. Anyway, he seems to be snapping out of it lately and getting back to his angel ways but I'm not going to blog about that.

What I WILL blog about is that Andrew is getting bigger! He had his six-month-old appointment last month and here are the stats:
  • Weight: 17 pounds, 11 ounces (75%)
  • Height: 28.5 inches (90%)
  • Head: 18.5 inches (95%)

So we've got a pretty solid little boy on our hands. Right now he rolls all over the place and can get from one end of the room to other by rolling. He often gets up on his hands and knees and rocks forward with dreams of traveling more efficiently but that is only a wish at this point. We call him Mr. Grabby Hands because when you are not looking he will grab something you thought was way to far away for him to reach and then latch onto it with an unbreakable vice grip. This is adorable when it is a little fluffy toy. It's not as cute when it's a bowl of applesauce. His favorite baby foods are peaches and bananas. He loathes peas. He is extremely entertained by his sister but has learned to scream when she takes his toy. He is THE friendliest baby ever born. He smiles at everyone and will let anyone hold him. Basically, we think he is super rad.


Black Family said...

um he is your carbon copy! cutie!

Margaret said...

I am determined to have a "super rad" baby our next go round, he sounds like a dream.