Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Little Prince

Andrew turned one-year-old on June 2nd! I know this sounds cliche but I really can't believe how fast his first year went. He is such a sweet little guy, we are super lucky to have him in our family.

As required by Mom Law, I will provide his one year stats:
Length: 31 inches
Weight: 24.8 pounds
Head: 19 inches

All of these are in the 90% so he's a big boy. For his birthday, his Aunt Jenni flew all the way to Seattle from Pennsylvania to celebrate. He had a fun little party with Mom, Dad, Leah, Bookie, Grandma, Uncle Eric, and Aunt Jenni. He was our little prince and he had a birthday cake fit for royalty by Sweet Lorraine's Cakes!

Here's our little guy's progress report:
Looking cute
Giving high fives
Smiling at strangers and reaching out for their hand
Sporting a Bieber
Drinking milk from a sippy cup
Eating regular food, including meat and sweet stuff (unlike his salty vegetarian sister)
Crawling super fast
Walking with his walker
Taking two naps a day
Sleeping soundly through his sister's shenanigans
Looking at books
Climbing up on the couch
Swiping snacks and cups from Leah
Yelling, squealing, giggling
Saying Mama and Dada

Areas of improvement:
Developing a stronger calming influence on sister
Not trying to walk so much (I'm not ready!)
Showing more patience when in high chair and Mommy is trying to prepare food

What a sweetheart! Happy Birthday Andrew!


Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! He is such a cutie pie!

EmF said...

Happy Birthday to the adorable Andrew!

The Carlsons said...

That is the cutest cake EVER! Happy 1st bday to your sweet boy! :)

Black Family said...

He is the cutest Esther! I love that we are in the same phase of life pretty much.....and sure miss you guys!

Margaret said...

That cake is ridiculous, so amazing!

sonya d said...

What a cutie!