Friday, June 20, 2008

Give Dad what he really wants!

Now that Paul has fathered a little prune baby, its appropriate to celebrate Father's Day. So for the occasion I bought Paul a fun little card and a cycling jersey (STP is coming up in July!). A couple days before Father's Day, I came home from work and found a package from Steep and Cheap. Paul had mentioned to me that he bought a couple things so as soon as I saw it, I had a brilliant idea. I hid the package and wrapped the contents up for Father's Day. He had a priceless look of confusion and concern masked unsuccessfully with a weak smile as he opened each item. He wasn't sure if we had just coincidentally bought similar items or what! Finally, I couldn't hold it in any longer and started cracking up. He realized what was up and asked, "Did I buy my own Father's Day presents?!?" Yep, honey, you did (except for one!). But hey, at least I know he likes them!!


Meagan said...

On your list on bands you've seen you missed Fall out Boy!!!

Paul is going to be a great dad. I can't wait to see your prune!

bev said...

sneaky sneaky!
you have to call me soon b/c i have the BEST Uncle Leo story!