Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Saturday night Paul and I went for a game of miniature golf in Seattle. Paul and I are usually very competitive when it comes to mini-golf so I was surprised when I was playing much better than him. Then, about halfway through, I realized... he was faking and letting me win! He's too sincere to be a good liar so when I confronted him I knew right away. So I pouted through the remaining holes and afterwards Paul took me to Cupcake Royale to make it up to me. I'm very good at eating my feelings so I thought it would hit the spot. But when we got there we were greeted with the following sign:I have already expressed how I think that Cupcake Royale is far inferior to Trophy but this was the final nail in the coffin. You sold all of your cupcakes?? Well make more then Einstein. If it's 5:00 pm and you close at 10:00 pm and you have three cupcakes left (and your name has the word cupcake in it!), maybe you oughta throw a few more in the ole oven, eh?? Well, after that rejection, I don't think I will be taking any more chances on Cupcake Royale. Adios!


Who We Are... said...

you KNOW they probably ran out of flour! LOL. Stacey

sonya d said...

Wow, That is the lamest cupcake place ever!! I'm speechless.

sonya d said...

btw, "Denied!" is one of my favorite sayings. It will always remind me of lamb stew in Dublin.

Amanda said...

So, thanks to your cupcake knowledge and posting of sites, my lil group that does initiatories every other month is going to hit up Trophy cupcakes after we go to the temple in December. Apparently, one of them has heard of the famous Martha Stewart one and was VERY excited to see that it's at Trophy. I'll have to tell you how our 1st experience at at cupcake place goes! BTW... Paul and I grew up together!