Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog Giveaway

Once upon a time, I had a strong blog following. Then my life and body were thrown into complete chaos by the arrival of my two children approximately 10 minutes apart. This affected the frequency of my blogs (and probably the quality). I rarely get comments now and that is okay since I mainly do this blog as a family journal. But I am curious if I have any more readers than the 5 good friends that I know about. I think the best way to find out is a giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment about my blog and I'll choose 5 lucky winners at random to receive a 1GB thumb drive. If I'm right and it's only you 5 reading then you all win. :) I'll draw the winners one week from today!


onehm said...

Do I get a prize for being the first comment? :)
I rarely read on my computer anymore, usually from my phone and I can't comment from my phone. But I AM reading. Every. Single. Wonderful. Post.

Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...


I love every post you do and your sarcasm just makes me laugh so hard. I wish Ryan knew you so we could laugh together...but he thinks you're awesome anyways!!!!

Brits said...

I read! But only on google reader, so I don't leave comments because no one comments on my blog anymore either.

I'm one of Annie's good friends and I know Paul, but you and I haven't actually met.

Dustin said...

I am a loyal and regular reader. :)

andi said...

I read and laugh at your musings! Even though you've never met me :)

Black Family said...

Um I read it all the time....I thought I left comments maybe I forget to.... but I always read!! :)

m.a. said...

Hey Esther, I'm not sure we've ever met. I was friends with Paul a lifetime ago in Spokane. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing pictures of your adorable kiddos! :) Marianne

Jen and Joel said...

You are a NERD... Just kidding. (I probably should not joke like that) I always read your blog posts too. I rarely comment on anyone's blogs. Sorry. I honestly love reading about your family, especially since we rarely get to see all of you. Miss you guys.

EmF said...

We're out here, enjoying your posts and cute pictures of your kids. Your 2000 flushes cracked me up!

kelsey said...

Um, I totally comment all the time. Which is saying a lot, because I am really really lazy. Also you wrote this blog like 5 hours ago and already I am #10.

Brenna said...

I read and love your blog! I was really happy to see so many new posts when I got home from vacation :)

Paul said...

I know it may seem obvious to everyone else, but Esther may doubt me if I don't comment on this. I read!

BBC said...

how fun! i grew up with the wellers in silverdale. :)

em said...

we know the world is coming to an end when i actually comment. but i do check from time to time... (shocking). xoxo

sonya d said...

I know you know that I'm one of the five you were counting. But i guess I wasn't one of the first five to comment this time.

Anonymous said...

I am a closet reader, I read but don't let on that I do. I HAVE to read to make sure that your Mother is not leaving out any interesting details of your life.


em said...

Your blog is in my Google Reader, which is the main reason I don't comment (too lazy to click over). The other reason is that I know Paul from BYU but I've never met YOU (although I'd really like to--you are h.i.l.a.r.i.o.u.s.) and I have no idea how you feel about random comments from peeps you don't know. Maybe you could blog about that sometime :)

Margaret said...

you're funny

Beth said...

So I totally missed the giveaway because the chaos of my life with 4 children prevents me from enjoying blogs as much as I'd like to. However, when I can steal a few minutes, I LOVE reading your blog. I'm a friend of Paul's from BYU, and unfortunately I haven't had a chance to meet you yet. However, I already think you're fabulous. Your blog is so great. You're witty, creative, and hilarious. I love it! So, keep up the great appear to be juggling the crazy life beautifully!!