Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Truth Tuesday: GO TO BED!!!!!

Truth: Things are a disaster at our house right now. The reason is (as usual) three feet tall with great hair. Leah has figured out how to quickly and easily climb in and out of her crib. It's a lower crib (converts to a toddler bed) so she can just hop in and out like it's nothing. Last night she didn't go to sleep until 11:15 pm.

Sometimes she'll get out and come into the family room wearing rain boots and carrying her purse and say "Whatcha doin guys!??!?" Other times she'll try to sneak out and then make a break for the fridge ("black drinkie!!!"). Last night the childproof door handle came off the front door and we forgot to put it back on so at 11:00 pm she got out of bed, ran out the front door, over to the neighbors door and started knocking on it yelling "Peggy!!!" (our neighbor).

We're doing all the textbook stuff you're supposed to do for a toddler that gets out of bed. So far it's not really working but it's only been a few days so I am trying to stay optimistic. Not only is it frustrating because she won't stay in bed and go to sleep but it's making me crazy not having any time in the evenings to catch up on stuff. It's also making Paul and I very impatient with each other which isn't that fun either. Leah and Andrew aren't perfect but they have always been awesome sleepers and easy to put to bed. If Leah takes that away from me there may not be enough Diet Coke in the world for me to handle it gracefully.


Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

I have heard of crib tent, but I'm not really sure how effective those are. Some people LOVE them. Would she be better in a toddler bed? Some kids just LOVe the bed and learn to never leave the bed until you come in and get them in the morning.

I would get SUPER mad if she was waking up that point I'd tie her down. jk, don't do that.

Love your truth tues!!

Black Family said...

did she really go next door....holy cow!! i am so worried about the day jaida can get out of hers and she was trying the other day but i think she was too afraid because she fell out once and hit the hardwood floor. that stinks! oh and ps....i love your posts you always make me laugh!!

kelsey said...

Awful. I mean, supremely awful. Good thing she has such nice hair.

onehm said...

Two words: crib tent. Haven't tried it myself but I have a friend who used it religiously for quite a while.

You can also turn the door handle around for a few nights and lock her in...don't turn me in to cps for that suggestion, please.

And I agree completely with Kelsey. :)

Valerie said...

If she's been a good sleeper in the past, she will again. Don't worry! Just keep doing that textbook stuff and she'll get back to normal:)

Leslie said...

Whenever I start getting worried some new development is going to turn into a permanent habit, it always resolves itself if I just stick to my guns and try and stay patient (TRY being the key word). And I totally agree! You are hilarious even though we all feel your pain.

Hartley Family said...
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Brenna said...

Oh my gosh... That sounds horrible!! I need to stop reading your blog so I don't get anxiety about the things we might be dealing with in the near future!!!

Terry Family said...

The fun never stops!!!!!!!

The Weller Family said...

This reminded me of Nathan at 2. I was awakened from deep sleep at 2am with a feeling that I needed to check on the kids. Nathan was nowhere! I saw the front door wide open and walked over to see Nathan standing in the middle of the street looking up at a street light in his jammies. He looked right at me and said, "hi mom". He was not afraid of anything!

The Weller Family said...

I love Truth Tuesday by the way! Comforting actually. Just know us mom's are not alone! Remind me to tell you about the time Natalie decided to use peanut butter on her dolls as shampoo when she was 3.

sonya d said...

I used to babysit for a little girl that had a crib tent and it worked great.