Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess Stephanie!

Yesterday a bunch of us girls went out to the Icon Grill in Seattle for Stephanie's birthday, thanks to Emily who arranged the whole shindig. Stephanie got lots of cute presents and enjoyed her Icon Grill favorite - mac 'n' cheese. Having sampled my share of mac 'n' cheese (another joint mission with Sonya), I wouldn't say Icon is my favorite (don't tell Steph!) but it's still good. What was really adorable was the birthday ding dong they brought out for her. It's not a ding dong out of a package, they actually make them there from scratch. Steph gave a few of us a bite and wow! It was delicious. I mean, really delicious. And since it is a small cake with frosting on top, I think it qualifies as a cupcake? Let me know what you think - I am considering adding it to my list of cupcake joints.

1 comment:

sonya d said...

Funny you should mention it! I went for mac and cheese today for lunch at my #3 spot, City Bakery. It is... like... so good!