Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Day of Love

As you all know, Saturday was Valentine's Day so I celebrated with my two Valentines. Because Valentine's Day is so close to our anniversary (and basically a retailer gimmick) we started a tradition last year of keeping it low key - we go out for burgers and exchange cards. So after a little research we found Red Mill Burgers - voted best burger in Seattle. It's over by Greenlake and the place was packed! Leah got a lot of attention in her little Valentine's outfit but slept through the whole thing while we celebrated Valentine's Day over some delicious burgers. We both thought they tasted great and were a great choice.

Afterwards we stopped off at Trophy to enjoy some cupcakes, which were fantastic, as usual. We weren't the only ones with the idea though and it was also very busy, but to their credit they anticipated the rush and had plenty of cupcakes unlike certain other cupcake places. Since Paul and I have been trying to make better choices, we talked about just getting one each and then decided to get four (two each) and ended up ordering six. We can't help it! They are sooo good!! It turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day and perfect for being out and about in Seattle so we had a perfect Valentine's Day. Burgers and cupcakes are the new chocolates and roses, people!!


Who Knew . . . said...

Burgers and cupcakes and an adorable baby? I am in love.

kelsey said...

that sounds like a better choice. 6 is WAY better than 2.

sonya d said...

Can't wait to try both places!

Cindi B. said...

When do we get to introduce Leah to Red Mango?