Thursday, April 16, 2009

Valley of the Sun

The blog has been a little quiet lately so I apologize for that but we've been out and about. Last week Leah and I went to Arizona to see Bookie for a week. Paul came down for a long weekend and we had a great time. I was really really really freaking out about flying with Leah (alone) but there was no reason for concern - she was great. She pretty much zonked out as soon as we would take off and slept the whole time.

We did many of my old favorites such as eating Mexican food, laying around enjoying the warm sunshine while my Mom does my laundry, and walking around the neighborhood while gossiping about the people in each house as we pass it.

One brand new thing we did was go to the Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden. They had a really cool exhibit/installation there called "Chihuly: The Nature of Glass." It was all these really cool glass pieces installed right in different areas of the gardens. It was kinda funny to go to Phoenix to see a glass artist who is from the Seattle area. Anyway, I highly recommend it for any of you who live around there.

As much fun as I had in Arizona, I still thought it was way too hot and was happy to be back in the cool, cloudy Seattle weather.


onehm said...

SO SO SO glad that you came down and that we could get together for a (too) short time.
How is it that we both blog and neither one of us thought to pick up a camera?? Especially ME??
Next time...for sure!
I had a BLAST hanging out and we have to do it again. You (and Leah) are the best!

Who We Are... said...

just stopping over to say hi. Sorry you won't be at Nathan's baptism next Saturday but have fun in NYC. Come over to our blog and see our latest blog entry! Have a fun week and kiss our neice for us! Stacey