Friday, July 23, 2010

The Fourth

The fourth of July is really about America's independence. It used to be about BBQ's and fireworks for me. Now it's about dressing up my kids in cute red, white, and blue clothes. This year did not disappoint. Also, I was reminded (as I am every day) how awesome our condo is because we could see downtown Bellevue's fireworks show from about 10 feet in front of our door. Both Leah and Andrew slept through the entire show! The fireworks are set off from a parking garage across the street from us so that gives you an idea of how loud they are. Paul and I were shocked and laughing about how we always tiptoe around the house after they go to bed. No more of that! The next morning there was a flag-raising at the church which Paul, as Scoutmaster, oversaw as his scouts raised the flag. They were preparing for it when I asked if he wanted me to show them how to do it. He was skeptical about my skills but I set him straight. Camp Lomia girls camp represent!! Leah was restless during the flag raising so I moved to the side so she could see Paul, thinking that would quiet her down. Wrong. It was basically dead silence as the flag went up except for her yelling "Dada!!! Dada!!! DADA!!!" Oh well, she's my own little fourth of July firecracker!

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