Friday, May 6, 2011

Easter Reality

Sometimes I think that I have two kids. Then I try to do something that would be fun with two kids and it reminds me that I don't actually have two kids. I have two babies. Coloring easter eggs is one such revelatory experience.

The process was a failure from the beginning. Leah could not put the eggs into the pot of water without dropping them. We had to refill the pot twice and lost three eggs in the process (not to mention the hysterical screaming when I wouldn't let her try anymore). While the eggs were cooking, we decorated paper eggs that I printed out from the Dora web site. This was a complete success. All she did was pick out paper decorations and glue them on. She was thrilled with the process and outcome and I was thriled with the cleanup (none). Why couldn't I stop there? The initial egg cracking was such obvious foreshadowing of the events to come. But no, I plowed on.

Once the eggs were cooked then it was time to assemble the special "no spill" egg coloring kit I had paid extra for. Between Paul and I we have two bachelor's degrees and three master's degrees but we were no match for this CHILD'S EGG COLORING KIT. A half hour later we had decoded the riddle of the setup and were ready for the eggs. Exactly 13 seconds in, Leah had used the "no spill" kit to spill dye all over a towel, her clothes, my clothes, the countertop and the floor. We abandoned the project (more screaming) and ended up with one of each color (just barely) and two smashed eggs. Andrew could do nothing but observe the whole debacle with an expression of confused shock. We will try it again when Leah is 18 and Andrew is 17. It will be paper eggs from here on out. Which gives me a great idea - can you say paper Christmas tree??


Jen and Joel said...

Thanks for sharing. I think I will wait a few years to try the egg decorating with Ava. I love the coloring Dora Pages. Great Idea.

kelsey said...

We never got around to it and I can't say that I am too sad, as I didn't want to have to pay to replace my landlord's carpet. Also this post made Aaron and me laugh real hard.

Terry Family said...

I feel your pain. I always have this vision of doing fun things w/ Eli and then everything gets thrown out the window once I realize that he is two years old:)