Thursday, June 9, 2011

Truth Thursday: The Truth about Easter

I have never had any interest in making my kids take pictures with people dressed in giant character costumes (e.g. Santa Claus). However, leading up to Easter, Leah was kind of getting into the whole Easter Bunny concept. When I asked her if she wanted to go see the Easter Bunny she was very enthusiastic about the idea so I got both kids all decked out and headed to the mall at like 10 am on a Tuesday (no line).

I was so very wrong. Of course, Andrew sat happily on the Easter Bunny's lap for 10 minutes while we begged, bribed, pleaded with, and threatened Leah to get her on the bunny's lap. All we could get was "My get in stroller, my go home!" Fine, we gave up and they took Andrew's picture and we walked away. 5 minutes later...

"My see a Easter Bunny!!!!" What the Weller?? Fine, there sill no line so they let us try one more time. The best we could do was the picture below. I will point out several aspects to the photo you might not notice:
1) Leah is sitting on MY lap and I am leaning back in a half-sit-up trying to get out of the picture as much as possible.
2) No part of Leah could be touching the bunny and no part of the bunny could be touching Leah.
3) For safety reasons, the arm on the bunny side was lodged into her dress.
4) Smiling was obviously out of the question.

I hope everyone enjoys this photo because it is the first and last photo of my kids with the Easter Bunny.


sonya d said...


Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

HAHA!!! I agree...adults dressed up as animals are fa-reakyyyyyyyyyyy.....

BUT those pictures are a must in everyones childhood!!!